Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Internet Information Controllers

When i say "Information Controllers" i mean Google or company like Google. Today most of the information that we get comes form Internet. What we get is depended upon search engine like Bing, Google etc. from the Ocean of information available on Internet we know only certain things which google or other Big companies show us. the reason that they do so is because of targeted user management. Google understand us, our behavior, our  likes , dislikes from our internet surfing behavior and past history of internet access. They do targeted marketing and advertisement or we can say paid marketing. 80 % of people don't even try to look for other stuff which are not displayed on search result and many people click on Add from Google Advertisement unit which is again targeted for every user. Google bind us in an area beyond which we don't try to go or don't have time to look for. We believe on Google even more than people. Google looks to your emails, your internet behavior, your interest area and displays things around that. If you will look for shoes once on internet, after 2 months also you will see shoe advertisement on your Facebook, and every web page searched on google. Even if we have purchased shoe from one local shops , google , Facebook like stupid add medium keeps displaying you different shoe brands advertisement.
It just limits your world around your as if they understand you. only in 20-30% of case it guesses correctly, otherwise its just waste of your time looking to those advertisement and waste of internet space. So the bigger Question is "do we need to know what all i need from Google or companies like that or we know our-self better so i can look for content for me on internet ?". i think we know our need better than any computer algorithm and i need complete access of all information on internet to know more and explore more. In medial world we have newly growing concept of Personalized medicine and similarly Google is trying to give Personalized internet information which they don't know better. Today's human are more experimental in nature and switch their search very frequently. Every search of yours can be for different reason , it doesn't mean you want to do that. If they dont want you to read any book it will never appear in your search result. If they one wants to show only bad things about a particular community or religion in that case they will only show those search result which are biased. There should not be any information biased from internet.

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